Yesterday,when i reach college i own sit at block A.Before long,my friends nga tze hao is coming to ask me go to old place(Fong Ip)to eat breakfast add yesterday is his birthday,then we go to Fong Ip taking breakfast.After that,shierly,wai shiong and kenny is coming and say happy birthday to nga tze hao,we all very happy to chatting at there.
Around 8.30am,our fss class is start,our class at new building.After we go to class mawar to start our class.when us sit down,mr hubert had explain about next week mid-term,we all shocked and very scare about next week fss mid-term.
After mr hubert finish explain,mr hubert had say after finish mid-term,need us to our assigment in the class and now need to some draft and doing some rivision in class before mid-term.After finish fss class,my friends and i chatting in class until crazy and keep laugh.
Around 10.40am,we go to moral class but our class is giving other lecturer using,we be forced need to waiting in another room,we waiting for 20 minute miss chirstiana is coming then tell us go to another class.When us go inside to class,miss chirstiana say today is check our moral reslut,when miss chirstiana call my name,i'm very strain go in front of see my result but my reslut is fail.After finish see the reslut,miss chirstiana start to discuss about our trip Pulau Sapi.
After finish moral class,we go to Pizza Hurt to High tea,we order many pizza to eat got chesse tuna pizza,cheese chicken pizza and pizza ayam masak merah,we all eat until full and crazy.Before long,we got discuss tonite got to 1 Borneo to see movie.Finish high tea,we all faster go back home for ready tonite.
Around 8.00pm,we all arrive 1 Borneo and we buy a ticket,the movie call "Alice in the wonderland".Before long,the movie is start,we all go inside start to watch,this movie very funny and cute,all the animal will talk and the story like fairy tale story,we all very enjoy to watch this movie about me suddenly my stomach not feeling weel,go to toilet many times,make me missing many part.
After finish the movie,we all go to 'Foh Sang'taking our supper,we go to one restaurant is call 'Hwa Wei'to eat supper,we very enjoy for the supper and we got chatting.After finish supper,arround 12am we went to home.
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